6 B rue des récollets 75010 Paris

11th of April 2019

Trajectorties and derivative is about taking decisions, about choosing between two possibilities which both have their benefits and inconvenients. Creation is triggered by movement

Travelling can trigger good ideas but it can also become an escape, a choice ersatz, a derivative from the real decisions that has to be taken.

Time Laps, Paris Bir Hakeim

The traveler, Arlanda

Follow the wind, Houlgate

Hong-Kong roads photography

Kowloon road, Hong-Kong

No escape, Hong-Kong

Blue Bridge, Hong-Kong

Take a decision, Hong-Kong

Head in the sea, Sifnos

Run, Houlgate

Work exit, Hong-Kong

Light thoughts, Paris canal Saint Martin

Lifelines, Arles

Don’t miss the train, Paris Saint-Lazare

Success across the window, Hong-Kong

No perfect choice, Hong-Kong

Young driver, Compostelle path